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High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans are characterized by their large diameter and slow rotational speed, which distinguishes them from traditional ceiling fans. While the exact rotational speed can vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer, HVLS fans typically operate at speeds ranging from around 50 to 150 revolutions per minute (RPM).

apogee industrial fan

The term “low speed” in HVLS fans refers to their relatively slow rotational speed compared to traditional fans, which typically operate at much higher speeds. This low-speed operation allows HVLS fans to efficiently move large volumes of air while generating minimal noise and consuming less energy.


The rotational speed of an HVLS fan is carefully designed to optimize airflow and circulation in large spaces such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, gymnasiums, and commercial buildings. By operating at a low speed and moving air in a gentle, consistent manner, HVLS fans can create a comfortable and well-ventilated environment for occupants while minimizing energy consumption and operational costs.

Post time: Apr-19-2024